
Distance and Online Education Courses

Students taking Distance and Online Education courses at the University of Iowa are entitled and held to the same student rights and responsibilities as on campus students. Policies and regulations affecting University of Iowa students are outlined on the Student Life Policies and Procedures website

Instances of academic misconduct in a Distance and Online Education course will be handled as outlined, Student Life, Academic Misconduct. Disciplinary action will generally be determined by the dean of the college that is offering the course rather than the college to which the student is admitted. 

Additional Options for Student Complaints

Here are the current procedures for students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate online courses.

  1. Speak directly to the person against whom you have a complaint.  If not resolved,
  2. Speak to the person's Departmental Chairperson.  If not resolved,
  3. Meet with the Associate Dean for Distance and Online Education. If not resolved,
  4. File a written statement with the Dean of University College.  

If you still feel there has been no resolution made, you may either contact the University Ombudsperson or the Iowa College Student Aid Commission, by filling out an online dispute form or call 877-272-4456 to speak to a representative.

The University of Iowa is approved by the Iowa College Aid Commission for participation in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) initiative.  SARA is a national initiative establishing comparable national standards and expectations for distance and online education; the central purpose is to increase access to online courses and standardize student consumer complaint processes.  By participating in SARA, the University of Iowa allowed to provide online courses outside of the state borders to students residing in any other state which is a member of SARA (currently that includes 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands).  

Students who are considering an online program that leads to professional licensure should contact the licensing agency in the State where they plan to practice. SARA does not provide reciprocity for professional licensing.  

For more information, visit the NC-SARA website at https://www.nc-sara.org/