Advanced Placement Summer Institute: UI Academic Credit Option
Advanced Placement (AP®) courses introduce high school students to academically challenging material and then give them an opportunity to earn college credit by taking AP® exams. The AP® Summer Institute (APSI) prepares new and current AP® teachers to develop and teach an AP® course.
BizInnovator Startup
BizInnovator Startup is a curriculum toolkit and professional development program for high school business and marketing teachers. BizInnovator Startup provides an accessible solution for innovation and entrepreneurship education.
Iowa Bandmasters Association: UI Academic Credit Option
The University of Iowa offers undergraduate and graduate academic credit for participation and assignment completion associated with the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference each year.
NEXus: Nursing Course Exchange
The Nursing Education Exchange (NEXus) is a consortium of institutions offering online doctoral programs in Nursing. Each institution encourages students to take courses from other member institutions. The exchange provides nurses an invaluable opportunity to further enrich their educational experiences.