Learn about the  components of an online course before you begin. Find more information about your Iowa email account, textbooks, ICON learning management system, and course exams. 

Getting Started


The University of Iowa requires every student to maintain a valid UI email account for official communication with University administration and interaction with advisors and professors. Students are expected to check their UI email regularly. Email is the primary communication source from the university. For your privacy and the protection of your student record, Iowa faculty and staff can only correspond with your University of Iowa address.

Your University Email: New Students

If you have enrolled as a Distance and Online Nondegree student, find our more about your university email at the Distance and Online Nondegree page, open step 5. You will find the information needed to begin using your Iowa email account there. 


Course textbook information is available in the course description on MyUI and in the course syllabus on ICON. Please contact your course instructor if you are unable to locate textbook information for your course or if you have questions about the required textbooks.

ICON (Iowa Courses Online)

Most online courses are administered through a learning management system called ICON (Iowa Courses Online). When you log into ICON with your HawkID and password you will find a link for each course in which you are enrolled.

ICON course sites can be published as early as two weeks prior to the start of the semester, although some course sites might not open until the first day of the semester. If your course is published, click on the course link, locate the syllabus, and get to work!

If the course has begun and you are unable to locate the ICON site for your online course, please email the instructor; the department offering the course; or DOE Administrative Support (doe-admin-support@uiowa.edu) for assistance. Enter your full course number in MyUI Course Browse or click on the hyperlinked course number in your MyUI Course Schedule to locate instructor and department contact information.

There are some locations outside of the United States where University of Iowa students have had difficulty accessing ICON and online courses. Please find more information here: 
Online Outside of the U.S.


Examination information will be provided on your ICON course home page or in your course syllabus. Distance and Online Education instructors may administer exams themselves, have non-proctored exams, or use Exam Services to oversee proctored exams.

If you cannot find exam information in your syllabus or on your ICON course home page, please contact your instructor or doe-exams@uiowa.edu, 319-384-4800 for assistance.