Overview of the Portal

The Proctored Exams Portal, located in the left navigation menu in ICON, is present if your instructor has requested proctored exam support from Distance and Online Education. Use the portal to view exam details, schedule/reschedule exam appointments, cancel exam appointments, verify SDS accommodations for exams, and view upcoming exam appointments. The portal does not work on mobile devices and operates best when using the Chrome browser.

Click on the portal to see a list of all proctored exams assigned to you, and all proctored exams you have scheduled, for the ICON course you have open. Each exam displays in a new row, and each row contains exam details. 

Use the scheduling buttons to create an exam appointment from the list of available days and times. Cancel or reschedule exam appointments if the exam window has not expired. 

Please schedule your exam early to secure your preferred spot.

How to schedule an exam

  1. Login to ICON and open your course. 
  2. Using a computer (not a mobile device), open the portal. 
    • The portal does not work on mobile devices, and operates best when using the Chrome browser.
  3. Locate the exam in the list of “Assigned Proctored Exams.” 
  4. Click on the link to schedule in the “Status” column. 
  5. If a course allows use of an Iowa City Test Center, select a date and then a time from the list that appears and click schedule.
  6. If the course allows the use of Honorlock, you can click on "Virtual Proctor" to notify your instructor you are using Honorlock. It is not necessary to select Virtual Proctor in the portal. 
  7. The exam name will now appear under “Scheduled Proctored Exams.” 

Make-Up Exams

If you missed your exam deadline or experienced a technical problem during an exam, you may be eligible for a make-up exam. First, contact your instructor(s) to request a make-up exam. Your instructor determines your eligibility and re-opens the scheduling tool if approved. Then, schedule your exam using the portal. If you do not see any exams assigned to you in the portal, please contact your instructor to verify that all exam details have already been entered.


Use the portal to verify any exam accommodations are correct. If you are approved for extended time, you will see the extra time displayed in minutes in the “Extra Time” column. If you are approved for reduced distraction, you will see a “Y” displayed in the “RD” column. (RD stands for reduced distraction.)  

Please visit our accommodations page for more details.

Off-campus paper exams

If your Distance and Online Education course has paper exams, you may be able to complete those paper exams with an off-campus proctor. This option is new for Summer 2022 and is not yet available in the Proctored Exams Portal. Please visit the Off-Campus Paper Exams page for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the portal won't load or is giving you an error message after attempting to load, here are the most common solutions:

  1. Use Chrome. Be sure to use Chrome to access ICON and the portal. You need to have the latest version of Chrome. It updates frequently.
  2. Use Edge. There is a known bug that produces an error message saying the platform does not have enough information. If you get this error message, try opening the portal in Edge.
  3. Use a desktop or laptop. The portal will not open correctly on a mobile device, for example a cellphone or iPad.
  4. Clear cache and cookies. Clears any saved information from the last time a webpage was accessed. Visit the ITS website for step-by-step directions.
  5. Turn off pop-up blockers. The test center schedule opens in a pop-up window. Allow pop-ups so that you can schedule your exam appointment.
  6. Inactivity in ICON. If your instance of ICON has been open for an extended period, you may have been logged out due to inactivity. We recommend closing all windows/tabs with ICON. Then, in a new window or tab, log into ICON again and make another attempt to open the portal.

There is more help available:

  • Contact ITS. ITS may be able to help determine if the machine you are using has another type of issue. 

Exam appointments made in the Proctored Exams Portal can be easily cancelled or rescheduled – as long as the window has not expired.

  • Locate the exam you wish to cancel in the list of Scheduled Exams.
  • Click on the cancel button in the Status column.
  • The exam will no longer show in Scheduled Exams. It will once again be listed under Assigned Exams and will be immediately available for rescheduling.  

There are two sections in the Proctored Exams Portal: Assigned Exams and Scheduled Exams.

Assigned Exams, the upper section of the portal, lists all proctored exams assigned to you for that course.

Scheduled Exams, the lower section of the portal, lists all proctored exams that you have scheduled for that course.

Some exam details are visible when looking at the list of exams. These include exam name, exam date(s), exam duration, and exam status. 

Other exam details are available only by clicking on the exam name. These include materials allowed, special instructions for students, exam delivery method, and exam medium.

Virtual proctor exams can be taken on-demand. You do not need to schedule a specific time to start the exam. You may start your exam using Honorlock at any time during the exam window; exam windows are typically 24 hours. 

Exams ready for scheduling will have a scheduling link or links in the “Status” column. Scheduling links will vary from course to course based on which exam delivery method the instructor has chosen.

The scheduling links can be “Schedule in Virtual Proctor” or “Schedule in Testing Center.”

  • Clicking on “Schedule in Virtual Proctor” lets the instructor know you plan to test remotely with Honorlock.
  • Clicking on “Schedule in Testing Center” allows you to make an exam appointment at an Iowa City Test Center.
  • Exams that have been cancelled will have a status of “Cancelled” and no scheduling links will be available.
  • Exams that were not scheduled before the exam window ended will have a status of “Exam Expired.” 

Materials that are allowed for your exam can be found by clicking on the exam name in the portal. No supplemental materials are allowed during the exam – electronic or otherwise – unless approved by the instructor. 

If approved by the instructor, Honorlock has both a basic or scientific online calculator. If any other materials are allowed (physical scratch paper, notes, etc.), they will be listed in the Proctored Exams Portal and in the exam instructions in ICON. 

Use the Proctored Exams Portal in ICON to verify exam accommodations are correct. If you are approved for extended time, you will see the extra time displayed in minutes in the “Extra Time” column. If you are approved for reduced distraction, you will see a “Y” displayed in the “RD” column. (RD stands for reduced distraction.) 

Exam Services