The University of Iowa's campus test centers provide in-person proctoring for both online and paper exams. The North Campus test center is the primary location with satellite locations used during busy times of the semester.
All 48 NCTC computer stations provide a reduced distraction environment approved by Student Disability Services. We are also an approved location for proctoring exams from other universities, licensure and certification exams, and placement exams.
Schedule in advance, using the Proctored Exams Portal in your ICON course site, to secure your preferred appointment time at a campus test center.
Fall 2024 Proctoring Hours:
Fall 2024 hours Monday - Thursday 9AM-9PM and Fridays 9AM-4PM. Closed on designated University of Iowa holidays. Extended hours will be offered during Finals Week.
Winter 2024 Proctoring Hours:
Week of December 23 - 27, 2024 open 9:00AM-4:00PM on Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Beginning December 30, 2024 - January 17, 2025, open Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM. The test center will be closed on January 1, 2025.
Summer 2025 Proctoring Hours:
More details to come.
North Campus Test Center (NCTC)
W216 Chemistry Building
230 N Madison Street, Iowa City, IA 52242
Parking Options:
Parking is available in the Iowa Memorial Union Parking Ramp and the North Campus Parking Ramp.

Additional Information
Schedule an exam appointment
To make an appointment for a University of Iowa exam, use the Proctored Exams Portal in your ICON site. To learn more, visit the following page:
To make an appointment for a non-University of Iowa exam, contact the test center via email. To learn more, visit the following page:
Campus test center policies
All activities in any campus test center are monitored and recorded. Use of a test center constitutes consent to video and audio monitoring. Test center policies are as follows:
- Only items pre-approved by your instructor are allowed at the desk while you test. Your must empty your pockets and store all personal belongings that are not specifically approved by your instructor in the lobby before you enter the test room.
- No collaboration of any kind – unless pre-approved by your instructor.
- No electronic communication devices (phones, other computers, tablets, watches, etc.).
- No personal calculators without your instructor’s prior written approval. If allowed, remove the calculator lid to store with your other belongings.
- No headphones, earbuds, or any other listening devices or accessories may be used or worn during the test, unless directly related to a disability.
- Foam earplugs may be used to avoid auditory disturbances. The proctor will provide these to you upon request.
- Hats can be worn with any brims facing backwards or removed and stored with your other belongings.
- Jackets and/or coats can be worn or removed and stored with your other belongings.
- Scratch paper will be provided if pre-approved in writing by your instructor.
- Memory aids may be used only if specifically listed on your Letter of Accommodations and pre-approved in writing by your instructor.
- No guests are allowed in the test center.
- You may bring writing instruments and an eraser; any additional personal items must be stored with your other belongings.
- If you have approved accommodations allowing short breaks and/or access to food, drinks, and medications, you may store them in the lobby and access as needed while testing.
- If you are allowed short breaks during your test, you may use the lobby as needed but can only leave the proctor’s supervision in the event of an emergency.
- If an emergency arises during your test, you must check out with the proctor, and check back in with the proctor if, and when, you return to the test. All unsupervised time must and will be accurately reported to your instructor.
- Proctors are authorized to inspect medical devices for internet connectivity.
- If your electronic medical device is connected to the internet (i.e. cell phone, smartwatch):
- Place all alerts on vibrate and store your device in an envelope which must remain on top of your desk while testing.
- If your device signals an alert, please take it to the lobby to remove it from the envelope and check the alert.
- If you require a medical device that is not connected to the internet no envelope is required.
Suspicious behavior
Suspicious behavior will be documented and reported to your instructor. Examples of suspicious behavior include, but are not limited to:
- having a cell phone at the testing station
- speaking or communicating to other students in any way
- looking at someone else's exam
- looking at notes, books or other materials not specifically allowed
- using electronic devices not specifically allowed
In the event of illness
- If you feel sick, please stay home and reschedule your appointment. As long as your new appointment is within the approved exam window, you are able to cancel and reschedule using the Proctored Exams Portal. If you are trying to reschedule outside the approved exam window, you will need to contact your instructor for permission.
- If you have concerns about testing in person, please contact your instructor to discuss the possibility of alternate testing options.
More campus test centers
Satellite Test Center:
2520D UCC will be converted for reduced distraction testing during final exam week to ensure adequate seating for students to complete makeup final exams and final exams with accommodations. The majority of paper final exams will be administratively rescheduled into 2520D UCC to ensure students assigned to complete online final exams can schedule at the North Campus Test Center (where computers are available).
Any changes to exam location will be made administratively; no action is required by students. Students whose paper exams are moved to 2520D UCC will receive email notification of the location change, and the new location will appear in the Proctored Exams Portal in ICON.
SDS Test Center:
Student Disability Services (SDS) Exam Services offers proctored exam support for asterisked exam accommodations, such as use of computer or other adaptive equipment for exams, in the University Capitol Centre (UCC). For more information about testing at the SDS test center, please visit the SDS website.